Hi, and welcome back. Today, we're going to talk about logging and monitoring. We're going to briefly discuss why we want to log events from our server side application and then we're going to discuss what to log and then, I'm going to give a brief introduction to what an example logging infrastructure might look like for your server. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to evaluate a system to determine if it performs sufficient security logging. So let's go. The reason why we would want to log is, well one reason would be to provide incident handling information. For example, if there was some security event or security incident that has occurred, you want to be able to look through your logs in order to perform an investigation to eventually remediate the incident. One other reason why you would want to log is to be able to add non-repudiation controls. Basically, add the ability to have it such that a user or some entity cannot deny that they've performed or not performed an action. One last reason why we would want to log is to be able to allow us to detect attacks when they occur and to identify if there are any threat actors out there that are trying to take advantage of vulnerabilities that we may not even know we have. Now, we are going to look at what kinds of things we want to log. At the very least, you want to log things like authentication successes and failures. Authorization. So access control failures. Session management failures like cookie session identification value modification, and we also want to make sure that all account lockouts are logged and reviewed. Here is a diagram of a very simple logging infrastructure that you could have setup for your system that's running on the server side application. For example, on the node running the server side application, which is the square on the left, you could have some logging daemon running and that logging daemon would be responsible for sending logs to a central logging system on a regular cadence. You could have your server side app logging to the application systems file system and on this file system, you could set up a daily rotation. For example, retain one day's worth of logs and this file system logs would get sent over a secure channel like TLS to a central logging system. The central logging system will have a longer retention period than the application server. For example, one year. It really depends on things like compliance needs and needs that backend engineers or security engineers will need for how long you want to retain your logs in the central logging system. To summarize, we chatted about why we would want to log and we quickly did a brief overview of what kinds of things at the very least we would want to log, and then I gave a very brief introduction to an example logging infrastructure that you could set up for your server-side system. Thank you. That's all for now.