[MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to this third module. Authentication is a major component of a secure web application. It ensures that only those users who are properly identified and allowed to use the application are able to access application resources. Session management is the other side of the same coin, since that authenticated state of user requests need to be properly handled and run as one session. When HTTP was first developed, it wasn't built with the ability to keep application session state. In subsequent versions of HTTP, a mechanism was introduced in order to keep application state. Understanding this mechanism is critical to understanding how authentication and session management work in web applications. By the end of this module, you'll be able to evaluate a system to determine if it follows the generally prescribed secure methods for authentication and session management in web applications. You'll be able to distinguish the relationship between authentication, session management, and access control. You will also be able to exploit WebGoat's authentication and session management vulnerability. As well as be able to evaluate a system to determine if it performs sufficient security logging such that non-repudiation is enforced. This will help drive the concepts that you will learn in this module. So let's get started.