So therefore, to summarize this lesson. Know what's inherited, and what you want inherited. Should the files be closed when sub process begins? If yes, use the CLO exec or whatever variant of that your system has. Also watch the umask. If the umask is set to zero, that means whatever the mask the programmer gives to that file, that's the one it's going to use. Here's why it's so bad. When the system dumps core, when the program dumps core, the core file on many systems is created as word readable, and writable, and executable. So that's why you want to have the umask at least for root B077. So, root can read, write, and execute things. But no one else can by default. What happens if you don't, well it was a very famous instance, where someone found a bug that would crash an FTP program, and would dump core. So, what they did was they went in, and crashed it. Then the FTP out the core file. Now, they should not have been able to read it, but the umask on this system was zero, and the core file was created mode 666, which allowed anyone to read and write it. So they pulled over the core file, started analyzing it, and found a large number of password hashes, that they could then use to start guessing passwords. The second thing is, an environment is far more than just environment variables. It also involves privileges, it involves signal handling, and so forth. By default, the child inherits the signal handlers of the parent. So, you want to reset the signals to the default, unless you want them to be handled the way the parent handled them. The third thing is to check your names very carefully. They may embody assumptions you normally don't worry about. But since it's a privileged program, you are going to worry about it.