To summarize what this module covered, the key ideas are, know which UID and group ID your program is using, and minimize the privileges that your program gets. Usually this means picking a UID or a GID with sufficient privileges for the program to complete its task, but no more than that. On systems that support it, you can use the saved UID as we talked about earlier in order to enforce this. The third key point here is children, when your child process starts up. When you do a fork, you should immediately reset the UID and the GID to the real ones. In other words, drop all privileges unless there's a very good reason not to. Also, a word of caution, because this messes up a lot of people, if you're running as root and you wanted to draw privileges, do not drop the user privileges first. Drop the group privileges first. The reason is, on many systems, a user cannot change groups. So if you drop the groups first, since the superuser can do anything that works, then you've changed the user and you're off and running.