[MUSIC] Welcome to the course identifying security vulnerabilities in C and C++ programming. This course is the third of four courses in the specialization, secure coding practices brought to you by UC Davis. My name is Matt Bishop and I'll be your instructor for this course. I'm a professor of computer science at the University of California Davis. One of my areas of interest is writing good programs that's sometimes called secure programming or robust programming. I've been doing this since the mid 1980s, so while I'm not the first one to do this by any means, I have been doing it quite a while. This course builds upon the skills and coding practices learned in both secure coding principles and security problems in programming courses 1 and 2 in this specialization. This course uses the focusing technique that asks you to think about what to watch out for, and where to look to evaluate and ultimately remediate fragile C and C++ programs. The techniques we'll be looking at will make your programs perform accurately, and be resistant to attempts to make it perform inaccurately. This is really what the term secure programming means. I'll show you common errors that people make, and then show you how to program more robustly. I'll give you tips and best practices that help you improve your programming style and help you to avoid common problems like buffer overflows. Which may or may not cause security problems but always cause robustness problems. Let me give a quick overview of the modules. Module 1 discusses users, privileges, and environments, and together we'll identify programs with privilege and trusted environments. Module 2 delves into issues of validation and verification, shows examples of buffer and numeric overflow, and walks you through how input injections work and what to do when you encounter. Module 3 shows how files, sub processes and race conditions affect the programming environment. Module 4 discusses the topics of randomness and cryptography, among other things. Throughout the course, we will be looking at code and I will point out where problems tend to occur, why the code is non secure and what you can do about it. Whether you're learning as a means to move up in your current position or to be able to step into a promising career in the rapidly changing secure coding field, this course will help you achieve those aims. I'm happy to be your instructor, and I look forward to sharing my experience with you on this journey. Let's jump into the first module. [MUSIC]