Welcome back. Peer review assignments are Coursera's way for you to practice a real-world activity. For example, something you might do as part of your job, and get some real feedback from a real human. There are written directions for you to follow so you can do this effectively. You will turn in your work, then review the work of at least two other peers in this class. Reviewing another peers is not optional, as these reviews are part of your grade. Please bear in mind that your fellow learners come from all around the globe, and have varying levels of experience. I want to remind you to be kind with your feedback. That doesn't mean don't be critical. Just remember to be constructive and supportive of your fellow learners, and please take this part seriously. You may have to do this as your job one day, review other developers code and find flaws providing supportive feedback is key. When I look at candidates I want to work with, being smart and knowing the attack is only part of the equation. Anyone can learn that. Being kind and bringing people along with you is much more important and a rare attribute. So practice with your fellow learners with your feedback. Let me give you a brief overview of the final peer review assignment however, referred to the written directions to guide you. I have provided more step-by-step instructions in the assignment itself. Your final assignment follows the same pattern you've been doing all without a lab activities at the end of each module. Except, this time, you will follow the peer review prompts and post your work for grading. You will include Modules 1, 2, and 3 then add what you've learned here in Module 4. For each of your lab assignments, you will go to the assigned WebGoat lesson and follow it. You will then document what you learned and what you tried as instructed in the triads actions. You will then describe what you did via text and screenshots and turn it in for review. Check the written directions for further instructions. This should be really easy if you've been practicing and following along with the modules. Good luck, let's get to it.