Welcome back. This is the start of our final module. In this module, we're going to be talking about vulnerable components. If you've been developer for some time, or you've developed any code, you know that we rely on a lot of libraries, and frameworks in order to ship our products. The fast-paced culture of this industry requires us to pull code from others and build on top of their code. Sometimes, those code pieces that we've pulled in open-source or otherwise contained vulnerabilities that we essentially inherit. Those vulnerabilities become part of our risk profile and our staff in our software. One of the most famous examples of this in recent time is attack against Equifax. A vulnerability in their stress library led to what eventually became an injection attack, and gave those hackers full access to their system. In this module, we're going to follow the same pattern of screencasts, and demonstrate vulnerable components. Then you will take some time to go back and review and practice activities from modules one, two, and three. Check the discussion thread, where your fellow learners have been posting their questions and experiences to see what they've learned, and what you can learn from them. I've been doing this for a long time, and there isn't a day that someone else's question doesn't help me understand the material better. So help out your peers and engage with them. It'll help you too. Then you'll gather, and edit your work and submit it as your final peer reviewed assignment, following their written directions in the course. After this module, you'll be able to explain why patching vulnerable components is vital to the security of our application. You'll find the flaw or vulnerable components encode, identify a payload or a process that works against them and patch it. You'll also be able to describe the anatomy of an attack using an industry example. Lastly, you'll compile, edit, and complete your peer review final projects, and review work of two other peers. All right. Let's get started.