A Peer Review Assignment is where you and your fellow learners have an opportunity to review and grade each other’s work. You can provide both qualitative and quantitative feedback based on a rubric that we have created. Peer reviews facilitate the grading of open-ended assignments, such as essays or design projects. Because it is difficult to auto-grade these assignments in self-paced courses, peer reviews offer a practical solution. But, peer reviews also provide pedagogical benefits and can help learners develop evaluative judgement and self-regulation.

How to do a Peer Review

After you submit your work, you’ll be asked to review your classmates’ assignments. To pass, you’ll need to earn a passing grade on your submission and complete the required number of reviews. You and your classmates will be asked to provide a score and final grades are calculated by combining the median scores you received for each section of the assignment. Please note you will not be able to see your own grade until you have graded peers yourself. So, if you are able try to beyond the minimum...you are all here wanting to learn.

Expectations: Reviewers

During the grading process, be respectful, encouraging, and honest. Acknowledge what your classmate did well and offer specific suggestions on how they can improve. Scores should reflect the learner’s grasp of the concepts and should not be deducted points for difficulties with language or differences of opinion.

Assignment Questions

There is no penalty for submitting an assignment late, but try to submit as close to the due date as possible. Typically, classmates grade most of the assignments within three days of the due date. If you submit your assignment too late, there may not be anyone to review and grade your work.

If you submit your assignment and need to edit, you’ll need to re-submit the entire assignment. Keep in mind that any grade that you’ve already received will be deleted.

Need more assignment reviews from your peers? Be sure to request additional reviews in the discussion forum area and include your assignment link.

For more information on peer reviews or if you run into any additional questions, review this link from Coursera about peer reviews.