Hi everyone. In this video, we're going to talk about some of the resources and the tools you'll need to go through this course. Of course, first on that list is OWASP. So, OWASP is the Open Web Application Security Project. In your career, whether you're a developer or a software security engineer, you're going to reference OWASP and OWASP content constantly So, throughout this course we're going to be making references to OWASP. In fact, one of the main portions of this project is the OWASP WebGoat, which is a deliberately insecure application that OWASP's and open source contributors across the world contribute to. And, we're going to work on patching WebGoat. So essentially, we're going to be securing WebGoat which was written in Java. The WebGoat code is open freely on OWASP's own GitHub page, on their WebGoat page. And you can get there by simply going to github.com/webgoat/webgoat. However, for our course for our purposes I have forked off their branch. You can find that under the UC Davis GitHub. And their project is just called WebGoat-WEB1062. Now the reason we forked it, is we had a couple of reasons for having forked it; mainly, is that the open source contributors across the world are constantly contributing to WebGoat. We want to have a stable platform to work on. So, as the lessons change on the main branch of WebGoat, we don't want it to be affecting our course. So essentially, we forked it off so that we have a stable platform to work against. Another reason to do it is some of the scripts in here have been modified to make it a little bit easier for us to run it. Since we don't need to be an expert in compiling WebGoat as an entirety of the project, or we don't need to be an expert on how Docker works, or the various tools that they utilize works, I've simplified some of the scripts for our own use. Another tool that we're going to be using a lot, simply by necessity, is Maven. So, Maven is a project management tool. If you come from the C world, you may be familiar with Make Files. If you're a Java developer but have never heard of Maven, you've probably used something like Gradle or Ant. Maven's just another breed of those. The only reason we're using it as because that's what the WebGoat project uses. So, we'll be using that too - pulling packages, creating hard files, and so on. So, you need to install Maven on your desktop and have it be something that your IDE can call back to. Another thing you'll need is an IDE. So, you can use whatever IDE you're comfortable with. Eclipse is a great IDE and it will work perfectly fine for this. I personally use IntelliJ. That's just because that's what I've used at work before, and that's what I'm most comfortable with. But, whatever IDE you use, just make sure it has support for Maven. So IntelliJ, last I checked, their community edition does not have support for Maven projects. As a result, if you're going to go to IntelliJ route, you may have to buy the enterprise version. I do know the Eclipse, which is open source and free, does support Maven. So, you're more than welcome to use it as well. Another tool you're going to hear me talk about is Docker. Docker is essentially a containerization engine and it allows us to run WebGoat inside of a Docker container. So, that we don't have to have our IDE up. Alternatively, you can run it directly from your IDE and that works equally well too. Lastly, we need a tool to, essentially, do a man- in-the middle attack. If you're not familiar with what that is, you can look back on Sandra's courses. Course two of this series. We basically need to get in between our browser and our server. In this case, serving WebGoat, in order to analyze some of the traffic and look at how we could attack certain vulnerabilities. So, you need a tool that can place itself between the traffic - in between the client and the server. In that case, we can either use the OWASP Zed Proxy or Zed Attack Proxy, ZAP for short. Or you're going to see me using a tool called Burp. I'm using the community edition and it's free. Again, there's really no difference between the two; I'm just more comfortable using Burp. So that's the tool that I chose for my purposes. Feel free to change it up to whatever you prefer.