Below are links to all the source code in this course. You can download project source code for each lecture in the course individually.

Starting to write code

Source code - Starting to write code - (Demonstration) Writing a C program that displays your name

Variables and Data Types

Source code - Variables and Data Types - (Demonstration) Print the Area of a Rectangle

Source code - Variables and Data Types - (Demonstration) Create and use an enum type


Source code - Operators - (Demonstration) Convert minutes to years and days

Source code - Operators - (Demonstration) Print the byte size of the basic data types

Control Flow

Source code - Control Flow - (Demonstration) Determine the amount of weekly Pay

Source code - Control Flow - (Demonstration) Guess the Number


Source code - Arrays - (Demonstration) Generate Prime Numbers

Source code - Arrays - (Demonstration) Create a simple Weather program


Source code - Functions - (Demonstration) Write some functions!!

Source code - Functions - (Demonstration) Create a Tic Tac Toe Game

Character Strings

Source code - Character Strings - (Demonstration) Understanding char arrays

Source code - Character Strings - (Demonstration) Utilizing common string functions


Source code - Pointers - (Demonstration) Pointer Basics

Source code - Pointers - (Demonstration) Using Pointers as parameters

Source code - Pointers - (Demonstration) Counting characters in a string

Source code - Pointers - (Demonstration) Using Dynamic Memory


Source code - Structures - (Demonstration) Declaring and Initializing a structure

Source code - Structures - (Demonstration) Structure Pointers and Functions

File Input and Output

Source code - File Input and Output - (Demonstration) Find the number of lines in a file

Source code - File Input and Output - (Demonstration) Convert characters in a file to uppercase

Source code - File Input and Output - (Demonstration) Print the contents of a file in reverse order