I usually message students individually . So please check your inbox and announcements regularly.
This class has 16.5 hours of content and a tremendous effort put daily to expand it further. I add new lectures and content regularly to this course (for free) so that you can benefit from even though your purchase is already done.
We might start slow with the very basics, but be sure that by the end you will master a lot of design and programming aspects of the industrial automation field.
Ask me questions , I'm here to support you with all the knowledge i have. That's part of the package.
Important for us to keep creating powerful content like this one:
At some point Udemy will ask you to rate the course . in Udemy standards anything below 4.5 stars is only given for really bad low quality courses . So please , support us , and put in mind that we are at your side until you master all these materials.
If you have suggestions about a new section to be added , message me about it , if it is suitable , I'll try to add it .
Download extra PDF guides for this from this link:
You can all follow me on Linkedin :
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Best wishes and let's get started .
To get the latest cutting edge topics
Mouhammad Hamsho