using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //--------------------------------------------------------- public class CamUtility { //--------------------------------------------------------- //Function to determine whether a renderer is within frustum of a specified camera //Returns true if renderer is within frustum, else false public static bool IsRendererInFrustum(Renderer Renderable, Camera Cam) { //Construct frustum planes from camera //Each plane represents one wall of frustrum Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(Cam); //Test whether renderable is within frustum planes return GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, Renderable.bounds); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //Function to determine whether a point in the scene is within frustum of a specified camera //Returns true if point is within frustum, else false //The out param ViewPortLoc defines the location of the point on screen, if function returns true public static bool IsPointInFrustum(Vector3 Point, Camera Cam, out Vector3 ViewPortLoc) { //Create new bounds with no size Bounds B = new Bounds(Point,; //Construct frustum planes from camera //Each plane represents one wall of frustrum Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(Cam); //Test whether point is within frustum planes bool IsVisible = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, B); //Assign viewport location ViewPortLoc =; //If visible then get viewport location of point if(IsVisible) ViewPortLoc = Cam.WorldToViewportPoint(Point); return IsVisible; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //Function to determine whether an object is visible (in frustum and has unbroken line to camera) public static bool IsVisible(Renderer Renderable, Camera Cam) { //If in frustrum then cast line if(CamUtility.IsRendererInFrustum(Renderable, Cam)) return !Physics.Linecast(Renderable.transform.position, Cam.transform.position); //Is direct line between camera and object? return false; //No line found or not in frustum } //--------------------------------------------------------- }