using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //------------------------------------------- public class MyCharacter { public string CharName = ""; public int Health = 100; public int Strength = 100; public float Speed = 10.0f; public bool isAwake = true; //Function to offer greeting to the player when entering conversation public virtual void SayGreeting() { Debug.Log ("Hello, my friend"); } } //------------------------------------------- public class ManCharacter: MyCharacter { public override void SayGreeting() { Debug.Log ("Hello, I'm a man"); } } //------------------------------------------- public class WomanCharacter: MyCharacter { public override void SayGreeting() { Debug.Log ("Hello, I'm a woman"); } } //------------------------------------------- public class OrcCharacter: MyCharacter { public override void SayGreeting() { Debug.Log ("Hello, I'm an Orc"); } } //-------------------------------------------