Index of /Library/Ebooks/Game Design/Unity/

Apress-Deep_Reinforcement_Learning_in_Unity-2020/  03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Augmented Reality with Unity AR Foundation/        03-Jan-2023 17:52       -
Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting ..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00       -
Game Development Patterns with Unity 2021/         03-Jan-2023 17:52       -
Game Development with Unity for .NET Developers/   03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Hands-On Unity 2020 Game Development by Nicolas..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00       -
Hands-On Unity 2021 Game Development/              03-Jan-2023 17:52       -
Hands-On Unity 2022 Game Development/              03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Introduction to Unity ML-Agents - Dylan Engelbr..> 05-Sep-2023 13:01       -
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021/   03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Mastering Unity Scripting/                         03-Jan-2023 17:58       -
Mind-Melding Unity and Blender for 3D Game Deve..> 03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Unity 2021 Shaders and Effects Cookbook/           03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming/         03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
Unity Game Audio Implementation/                   03-Jan-2023 17:53       -
unity-mobile-game-development-3rd/                 27-Aug-2023 01:08       -
2D Game Development with Unity - Franz Lanzinge..> 03-Jan-2023 18:02     49M
3D Game Development with Unity - Franz Lanzinge..> 03-Jan-2023 17:57     61M
978-1800203389_Robert_Wells_-_Unity_2020_By_Exa..> 03-Jan-2023 18:01     23M
GAME DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS WITH UNITY 2021 - exp..> 03-Jan-2023 17:53      6M
Game Audio with FMOD and Unity - CiarĂ¡n Robins..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00     16M
Game Development with Unity for .NET Developers..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     34M
Game Development with Unity for .NET Developers..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     24M
Hands-On Unity 2022 Game Development by Nicolas..> 03-Jan-2023 17:54     86M
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and D..> 04-Jun-2023 15:53    113M
Joe Hocking - Unity in Action (3rd Edition) [re..> 03-Jan-2023 17:57     22M
Joseph Hocking - Unity in Action_ Multiplatform..> 03-Jan-2023 17:58     30M
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00     39M
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     20M
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     21M
Learning C_ programming with Unity 3D (2020) - ..> 03-Jan-2023 17:55    118M
Learning_C_by_Developing_Games_with_Unity_2019_..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00     10M
Sebastiano M. Cossu - Beginning Game AI with Un..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00      4M
The Unity Shaders Bible (Jettelly).pdf             03-Jan-2023 17:54     46M
The-Unity-Shaders-Bible-A-Linear-Explanation-of..> 03-Jan-2023 17:54     27M
Unity 2019 Game Optimization by Davide 03-Jan-2023 18:01     24M
Unity 2020 By Example_Learn Unity by Building 3..> 03-Jan-2023 18:01     74M
Unity 2020 Mobile Game Development, 2nd Edition..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00     51M
Unity 2020 Virtual Reality Projects Learn VR de..> 03-Jan-2023 18:01    102M
Unity 3D Game Development - Designed for passio..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     35M
Unity 3D Game Development - Designed for passio..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39     10M
Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming - Add..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39      9M
Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming - Add..> 03-Jan-2023 18:39      6M
Unity Certified Programmer_ Exam Guide by Phili..> 03-Jan-2023 18:00     33M
Unity in Action Multiplatform game development ..> 03-Jan-2023 17:56     30M
Unity_2021_Cookbook_Fourth_Edition_Matt_Smith.epub 03-Jan-2023 17:56    106M
beginning-unity-android-game-development.pdf       03-Jan-2023 18:00      7M
game-programming-unity-c-complete-beginners.pdf    03-Jan-2023 18:00      7M