Index of /Library/Audiobooks/Critical Race Theory/The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones/

00 - Intro & Dedication.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    414K
01 - The poetry and fiction that appears....mp3    03-Feb-2022 00:03    188K
02 - A Note about This Book.mp3                    03-Feb-2022 00:03    547K
03 - Epigraph.mp3                                  03-Feb-2022 00:03    313K
04 - Preface - Origins, Nikole Hannah-Jones.mp3    03-Feb-2022 00:03     24M
05 - August 1619.mp3                               03-Feb-2022 00:03    407K
06 - The White Lion, Claudia Rankine.mp3           03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
07 - Chapter 1, Democracy, Nikole Hannah-Jones.mp3 03-Feb-2022 00:03     43M
08 - December 1662.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    368K
09 - Daughters of Azimuth, Nikky Finney.mp3        03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
10 - 1682.mp3                                      03-Feb-2022 00:03    336K
11 - Loving Me, Vievee Francis.mp3                 03-Feb-2022 00:03    540K
12 - Chapter 2, Race, Dorothy Roberts.mp3          03-Feb-2022 00:03     24M
13 - June 24, 1731.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    493K
14 - Conjured Honoree, Fanonne Jeffers.mp3         03-Feb-2022 00:03    883K
15 - May 10, 1740.mp3                              03-Feb-2022 00:03    508K
16 - A Ghazalled Sentence After My People...Hol..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03    735K
17 - Chapter 3, Sugar, Khalil Gibran Muhammad.mp3  03-Feb-2022 00:03     23M
18 - March 5, 1770.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    336K
19 - First to Rise, Yusef Komunyakaa.mp3           03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
20 - 1773.mp3                                      03-Feb-2022 00:03    414K
21 - proof [dear Phillis] Eve L. Ewing.mp3         03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
22 - Chapter 4, Fear, Leslie Alexander and Mich..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03     39M
23 - November 7, 1775.mp3                          03-Feb-2022 00:03    414K
24 - Freedom Is Not for Myself Alone, Robert Jo..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
25 - August 19,1791.mp3                            03-Feb-2022 00:03    422K
26 - Other Persons, Reginald Dwayne Betts.mp3      03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
27 - Chapter 5, Dispossession, Tiya Miles.mp3      03-Feb-2022 00:03     27M
28 - August 30, 1800.mp3                           03-Feb-2022 00:03    297K
29 - Trouble the Water, Barry Jenkins.mp3          03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
30 - Sold South, Jesmyn Ward.mp3                   03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
31 - Chapter 6, Capitalism, Matthew Desmond.mp3    03-Feb-2022 00:03     26M
32 - July 27, 1816.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    555K
33 - Fort Mose, Tyehimba Jess.mp3                  03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
34 - July 2, 1822.mp3                              03-Feb-2022 00:03    360K
35 - Before His Execution, Tim Seibles.mp3         03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
36 - Chapter 7, Politics, Jamelle Bouie.mp3        03-Feb-2022 00:03     16M
37 - September 20, 1830.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    407K
38 - We as People, Cornelius Eady.mp3              03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
39 - September 18, 1850.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    540K
40 - A Letter to Harriet Hayden, Lynn Nottage.mp3  03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
41 - Chapter 8, Citizenship, Martha S. Jones.mp3   03-Feb-2022 00:03     24M
42 - January 1, 1863.mp3                           03-Feb-2022 00:03    563K
43 - The Camp, Darryl Pinckney.mp3                 03-Feb-2022 00:03      4M
44 - July 30, 1866.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    430K
45 - An Absolute Massacre, ZZ Packer.mp3           03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
46 - Chapter 9, Self-Defense, Carol Anderson.mp3   03-Feb-2022 00:03     25M
47 - March 16, 1870.mp3                            03-Feb-2022 00:03    414K
48 - Like to the Rushing of a Mighty Wind, Trac..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03    946K
49 - September 15, 1883.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    532K
50 - no car for colored [+] ladies (or, miss we..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03    766K
51 - Chapter 10, Punishment, Bryan Stevenson.mp3   03-Feb-2022 00:03     11M
52 - November 10, 1898.mp3                         03-Feb-2022 00:03    383K
53 - Race Riot, Forrest Hamer.mp3                  03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
54 - May 31, 1921.mp3                              03-Feb-2022 00:03    344K
55 - Greenwood, Jasmine Mans.mp3                   03-Feb-2022 00:03    961K
56 - Chapter 11, Inheritance, Trymaine Lee.mp3     03-Feb-2022 00:03     16M
57 - 1925.mp3                                      03-Feb-2022 00:03    586K
58 - The New Negro, A. Van Jordan.mp3              03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
59 - 1932.mp3                                      03-Feb-2022 00:03    446K
60 - Bad Blood, Yaa Gyasi.mp3                      03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
61 - Chapter 12, Medicine, Linda Villarosa.mp3     03-Feb-2022 00:03     10M
62 - August 28, 1955.mp3                           03-Feb-2022 00:03    336K
63 - 1955, Danez Smith.mp3                         03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
64 - February 1, 1960.mp3                          03-Feb-2022 00:03    368K
65 - From Behind the Counter, Terry McMillan.mp3   03-Feb-2022 00:03      4M
66 - Chapter 13, Church, Anthea Butler.mp3         03-Feb-2022 00:03     22M
67 - September 15, 1963.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    399K
68 - Youth Sunday, Rita Dove.mp3                   03-Feb-2022 00:03    508K
69 - On Brevity, Camille T. Dungy.mp3              03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
70 - Chapter 14, Music, Wesley Morris.mp3          03-Feb-2022 00:03     28M
71 - August 6, 1965.mp3                            03-Feb-2022 00:03    446K
72 - Quotidian, Natasha Trethewey.mp3              03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
73 - October 15, 1966.mp3                          03-Feb-2022 00:03    414K
74 - The Panther Is a Virtual Animal, Joshua Be..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03    782K
75 - Chapter 15, Healthcare, Jeneen Interlandi.mp3 03-Feb-2022 00:03     10M
76 - June 8, 1972.mp3                              03-Feb-2022 00:03    383K
77 - Unbought, Unbossed, Unbothered, Nafissa Th..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03      3M
78 - September 12, 1974.mp3                        03-Feb-2022 00:03    422K
79 - Crazy When You Smile, Patricia Smith.mp3      03-Feb-2022 00:03      1M
80 - Chapter 16, Traffic, Kevin M. Kruse.mp3       03-Feb-2022 00:03      5M
81 - July 17, 1984.mp3                             03-Feb-2022 00:03    305K
82 - Rainbows Aren't Real, Are They, Kiese Laym..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
83 - May 13, 1985.mp3                              03-Feb-2022 00:03    633K
84 - A Surname to Honor Their Mother, Gregory P..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
85 - Chapter 17, Progress, Ibram X. Kendi.mp3      03-Feb-2022 00:03     31M
86 - August 29, 2005.mp3                           03-Feb-2022 00:03    422K
87 - At the Superdome After the Storm Has Passe..> 03-Feb-2022 00:03    907K
88 - November 4, 2008.mp3                          03-Feb-2022 00:03     40K
89 - Mother and Son, Jason Reynolds.mp3            03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
90 - Chapter 18, Justice, Nikole Hannah-Jones.mp3  03-Feb-2022 00:03     19M
91 - Chapter 18 Justice Nikole Hannah-Jones.mp3    03-Feb-2022 00:03     18M
92 - May 2020.mp3                                  03-Feb-2022 00:03    227K
93 - Progress Report, Sonia Sanchez.mp3            03-Feb-2022 00:03      2M
94 - Outro.mp3                                     03-Feb-2022 00:03      6M
The 1619 Project.jpg                               03-Feb-2022 00:03     37K